What can we cram into the next 19 days?
Well founded or not, Barb and I feel that a significant threshold will be crossed on April 15th 2015. I have heard myself refer to “life on the other side” of the surgery. The Hemispherectomy planned for Kate carries expectation and anxiety that life will forever be changed for each of us.
Kate’s life will be radically changed, in several ways, some hopeful some concerning. The best outcome provides a vision of life without seizures and a bright developmental future where Kate is allowed to grow and thrive unimpeded by intractable seizure and sleep deprivation.
This will be the final post on this blog before the surgery, I will update Kate’s Caring Bridge site to share the process with family as it progresses.
Visit Kate’s Site: https://caringbridge.org/visit/katecooke
Site Name: katecooke